
This week has been weird. For lots of reasons, just weird. The weekend was weird. Monday was weird. A four day work week has been weird. Plans have been weird. People have been weird. Just weird.

This week has been big. For one reason, big. The weekend was big. Monday was big. A four day work week has been big. Plans have been big. People have been big. Big.

Very happy, very overworked, very overwhelmed, very ready for at least one nights sleep... grr potty training.

To Continue A Theme

Perhaps I'm having an incredibly blonde week or something so forgive me if this sounds a little dim but, where exactly does the water go?

I've just read a report on the beeb site stating that Kent is going to be issued with compulsory water meters. Which makes sense when they explain we've had a dry winter etc etc. However, where exactly does the water go? Are we leaking it into space or something?


Did you know you can't get a jag MOT'd without a boot key? You can't. Something about shock absorbers. Guess who has a jag without a boot key and no MOT? Guess who's walking in this lovely summeresque weather? Yup. I would like to point out at this point that, for once, the lost key is not my fault. After a morning of frantic problem solving (no the boot release button doesn't work either, nor is the key in any place we can think of) the serial number has been located by the dealer and hopefully a new key will be cut tomorrow. Did you know it costs nearly £40 to get a jag key?

Nearly Summer

Half term has past and despite good company and peacefulness I'm still fighting bugs, roll on the summer I need some sun I think. The other day it didn't seem that far away, we had the door open and spent some time in the garden, warm. Hasn't lasted with mum emailing weather warnings about snow today, cool, literally.

Expensive Entertainment

Today I received the most expensive video I've ever purchased. Yes, I did say video. £40 plus £2.75 for delivery. It wasn't even for a rare movie type tape, nope this is for 60 minutes of an unknown comedian. £40 for 60 minutes.

Now before you commit me, it wasn't a purchase for myself, it was for a colleague who had exhausted all other avenues. Dan and I tried to purchase the very same video from Virgin the other weekend only to be told it didn't exist. It does. It cost £40.

You know you are ill when...

you find yourself watching countless hours of cbeebies even though you've got desparate housewives and house sat on disk waiting to be watched Sad

This bug is not leaving me as quickly as I had hoped. I woke up this morning thinking that I was perhaps feeling a little better, the feeling hasn't lasted, I now feel just as bad as yesterday. Grrr to toddler germs.


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