
A friend is someone who listens. Someone who takes the time to notice the little things. Asks the questions that lead to the bigger stuff. Sympathises, offers advice, helps find solutions, just cares. A friend lets you do this in return.

A friend makes you laugh, lets you cry, shares your happiness, cheers you up when you are sad.

A friend is someone special.

I need a friend.

Note to self

Lazy programming always comes back to bite you.

We\'ve discovered a flaw in the macro that whilst easily fixed has some fairly major reprecussions which could so easily have been avoided. The worst of it is that it\'s down to some sloppy code on my part.

The moral of the story I suppose is not to try to take short cuts... oh and comment code so that you can at least see what the short cuts will affect.

Back to work

and so, the inevitable happens, it\'s back to work we go. Actually, it\'s quite nice to be back, it felt like a very long holiday this time. It\'s also good to be able to progress with the shout which was held up until I got back. Now I\'ve just got to finish it....

I'm getting old

They\'ve done something to smarties! No, I\'m not talking about the impending discard of the \"smarty\" tube. They\'ve done something to the smarties themselves. They are no longer vivid bright colours. They are no longer uniformly round. They are a pale, mishapen picture of there former selves. I don\'t like it, it\'s making me feel old to have to rember the good old days when sweets were treats that didn\'t need to be healthy, could be full of junk, didn\'t need to be nutritionally balanced, and it didn\'t matter because you just didn\'t eat many of them.

Productivity is the key

I can safely say I have done loads this week (and it\'s only Wednesday!).

I\'ve not only done all of the data input which I thought would take me hours, I\'ve also nearly finished the Shout although some of it has got to wait until I see some people on Monday. Added to that I\'ve caught up on my OU stuff and hopefully if this afternoon goes to plan I will be fully up to date with anything and there will be room to get ahead a little bit... although don\'t count your chickens and all that!


Well what a week, gadgets galore! Not only did my dictaphone arrive this week, and has already proven its worth by recording (really well) our tutorial yesterday, but the week also saw delivery of my new pda Smiling Super cool - and very sadly I\'m using it to write this! The wireless capabilities seem to make a big difference to a pda\'s usability, checking webpages and mail is not just cool but much quicker than waiting for a pc/laptop to boot up.

1 Day to dispatch

Wayhey, if expansys are to be believed I should have my pda by Friday... although just typing that sentance has probably jinxed everything!

Easter went well, surviving various family commitments the highlight. Now it\'s on to the serious stuff, work, and lots of it. Slowly working through coursework this week in preparation for a tutorial on Saturday and then next week sees some data input (year 9 options, yay!) and The Shout. Seems like such a lot to do in a very short time - got to love holidays!


We\'ve been learning about polymophic stuff (yes, that\'s the technical term), I\'m beginning to get it straight in my head however I have a little issue. Everytime I hear the word I think of a song we used to sing along to as kids, Polly Wolly Poodle. Makes me smile everytime Smiling


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