BinksUK's blog

I'm Back

Again apologies for being so quiet but this time it was not so much through choice, through me own fault I've been on a self-imposed Internet ban.

As some will know, and many won't (or care to know I expect) we get our internet access through plusnet. They're not the best, they're certainly not the worst (sometimes they're quite good if you catch me on a good day). We have been on a package called PayAs You Go, which means we get 4 gig of bandwidth (or as much as we like between 12am and 8am) for a fixed price each month and then a £1 per gig over this.

March Snow

For once they got the forecast right, ish, we had snow... well a bit, for about 30 minutes. All gone now, the sun is out. There's the rumour of 6 inches by the morning, not overly sure I'm going to hold my breath!

They're not the best pics but if you fancy looking at the photograpic evidence you can find it here


Time has escaped me yet again, was it really last month when I last posted? It's been a busy few weeks but not in the kind of way that's anywhere interesting enough to write about.

I now have an appointment to get rid of my (very painful) wisdom teeth, all four meet their fate on the 17th April. Not something I'm overly looking forward to, the great adventure of general anaesthetic will be a new one, but it will be good in the long run, I've had enough of them now.

Getting Organised

Organisation isn't one of my strongest points, which apparently is surprising as I like things to be organised and logical (I could argue that my chaotic way of doing things is logical, but I can't be bothered right now!).

WoaS Calendar v2

Select Date

Elderly Wisdom

Dan reminded me of this snippet of wisdom my Nan gave us the other year and I felt obliged to share it with you for no reason other than it's Monday and, like me, you may require a smile to start the week with:

"Women live longer because they talk more, they breath in more air than men" (this may be slightly paraphrased given the time that has passed since she shared it with us!)


Andrew: Triceratops had three horns, so they could kill the other dinosaurs... but sometimes they were too slow, so then they got eaten.

Me: Oh dear, did they taste really nice?

Andrew: Yes they did.

Me: Did they taste of chocolate?

Andrew: No they tasted of blood.

(You could hear the "like, duh!" in his head!)


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