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Year End

So here we go then, Christmas, and soon to be the beginning of a new year. Time to look back on what has been a very different 12 months, 2011, the year with the extra one.

Last Christmas Eve was a very different affair, our first scan, we had little room to think about the upcoming festivities with much energy going into finding out if everything was ok and was there really only one in there! The rest of the holiday was then spent with relief, sharing our news and, on my part, trying not to throw up what little food I managed to eat!

Since then very little has gone to plan, of course we knew it wouldn't, but we weren't quite prepared for the upheaval our little piece of mischief would bestow upon us or, indeed, how early it would begin. We have survived though, we've been through perhaps the worst of times and yet somehow come through the other side not only still intact but dragging the little one healthily through with us. No small achievement given the start and I think, for once, a little bit of space can be spared on here for me to brag about how proud I am of us all Smiling

Hopefully 2012 will proceed in a slightly calmer fashion, with many hurdles overcome we still have a few to jump, here's hoping they're not too high...

(Oh and I'll cut the mush now and get back to talking about proper, non sentimental, stuff!)

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