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I've been thinking a lot about food recently. A couple of my friends are very health conscious and I guess it's influencing me. Maybe it's a mid-life crisis or maybe it's just now I have a kid but suddenly my health, our health, matters to me. Funnily enough I'm currently at the healthiest I've been in a long long time, my ME is definitely taking a back seat right now and I'm loving it! But I still think I can do better and I think diet and exercise need to take a part in that.

I'm lucky, I've always been one of those people who can eat anything and not put on weight. Indeed my doctor often despaired as I would come in well below what I should be. Not such a problem these days, age/ having a child both seem to have levelled me out to a healthier weight and perhaps this is one of the reasons I'm feeling so much better. This luck though also has its downsides. Because I've never watched what I eat I've never noticed how bad my diet can be. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a TV dinner kind of girl. We generally eat freshly cooked food with fairly wholesome ingredients. My downfall is snacks. Particularly since I've had the sprog, I've craved sweet stuff. Perhaps it's down to feeding him and my body wanting extra calories but I'm getting to a point where I think I need to start cutting down.

I think it's only once you start realising what you're putting in your body that you start to question what's available. It's scared me a bit recently seeing what actually goes into some of my favourite foods! But can we go back to basics when we're so used to what we've grown up on? Time will tell!

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