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The other week my mum hinted that my lo (now 2 1/2) is now only feeding through habit rather than need. It was enough to make me doubt myself, you know those moments when you wonder if you're irreversibly harming your child whilst making your life super difficult (boy has it been difficult these past few weeks!).

Anyways, I researched, as I tend to do, and came across this

It made me sad. Really sad. The pictures alone are enough to send my instinct driven, hormonal heart into a spin Sad The introduction implies that if you've got to toddlerhood and are still feeding you've already probably gone too far. It the goes on to give a step by step guide on how to stop before things get any worse.

Luckily I looked further and came across this which reaffirms everything I personally believe. I love Kellymom but hadn't come across this article before.

It did make me think though. I'm pretty certain of the choices I'm making, I wobble occasionally (which is probably a good thing, it's good to reflect on the things you're doing) but I know that I'm doing what is best for my child. I know not everyone can or wants to go down the same path and that's certainly their choice to make. But is there any wonder so many mums are confused when there is such matter of fact information out there that doesn't explore other options Sad

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