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What a week last week was! The second week of our Easter holidays and definitely a mixed bag of events. The weather has, for a change, been pretty warm and settled so we've had lots of opportunity to play in the big blue room. The beginning of the week saw us spending some time down at the allotment.

We've had the plot for nearly six years now and it's really beginning to take shape. I'm ashamed to say not all our hard work though. Having two sproglets has made it pretty impossible for us to give it the time it deserves. Thankfully though dad has been putting a lot of energy into keeping it ticking over and it really looks great for all his effort.

We now have a fantastic fruit cage full of a variety of berries. The boys eyes really glow whenever he sees in in full bloom, he loves all things fruit! There's also an ever growing orchard area with what looks like a promising Apple crop in the making. A perfect area for us to sit and have picnics when we head down there in the summer. Dad is currently in the throws of building a new shed and greenhouse, both of which will hopefully boost our storage and crops over the coming years.

Our main contribution so far this year has been some fledgling sunflowers. Dad wants to grow a load so that he has some seeds for the birds over the winter so we've tasked the boy with farming them. He had great fun planting all the seeds and they grew so fast his attention was definitely kept really easily with them. Now they're planted out we can only hope that they survive the slugs and frosts over the next few weeks! I'm sure I'll keep instagram posted with pics later in the summer Smile

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