Ayup Charlie

As I may have mentioned before, when you live with a 3 year old (or 67 as he says he will be next Saturday) you get to watch a lot of CBeebies. There are few good things to say about this. It's repetitive, patronising, sickeningly educational and just, well, childish! However, I have discovered a reason to watch, the savour of the bedtime hour, this thing that is, Charlie and Lola. If you haven't seen it already, you must, it's lovely. It's funny, it's sweet, it doesn't patronise, it's just lovely. There are few, if any, kids shows these days I see and think, I wish that had been on when I was a kid. Charlie and Lola meet this comment... ooh ooh, and while we're on the topic (ish), channel five are repeating Around the Twist. Sorted.

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