Melted Marshmallows

I've been told off for not updating in a loooong time, so, whilst I wait for my hot chocolate to cool enough to drink I thought I'd pop in and say hi.

Not a great deal to post really, hence the lack of contact recently. Work is busy without being overly so, plenty to do but mostly stuff caused by all the rubbish that is going on with the building at the moment. I could sit and write you a long essay on all that is wrong however I might not have a job by the end of it so I shall keep my mouth shut for a change. Needless to say I'm getting plenty of exercise thanks to a much expanded campus and only one set of working staff pc's Sad

OU is horrendous at the moment. With a holiday full of doing other non-related stuff I am now on a frantic catch-up trying to get everything finished. An exam in just over a week was fairly manageable until I noticed the two assignments due for the maths course next week and the week after. So now I'm having to juggle the two courses which I'm not enjoying much, coupled with the other stuff I need to do, the stuff I want to do, and the stuff I'd like to do life is proving a little too full right now. Roll on half term, although that seems to be filling up fast too now Sad

Other projects have had to be put on hold until after these courses finish. The logger is now out there in two schools which is good, a fairly working copy but needs some work and I also need to get on top of the website and support docs. A project for next term I think. The rss feed editor has a bug I need to sort and then that can be released. The bulletin uploader needs work, and quick so top priority for that one. The contact mail stuff all needs some major attention, not only to get it up to date for this years kids but the coding of it also needs a lot of work. The school website has got to be done as soon as I get a chance and also one or two other projects on that front. I'm trying to forget the report writer but fear I'm going to have to have another look at that and perhaps even start writing my own which won't be fun.

So there you go then, nothing much, nothing exciting, nothing fun. Back to my hot chocolate....

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