
It's been a while since I've written, again, mostly because I just haven't got around to it. Life has been it's usual mix of busy and not so busy. Plenty of projects on the go and yet still signing on for more stuff, when will I ever learn!

It has turned into big coat weather which is nice and cosy. Rain is currently pelting down my office window which looks out on some very pretty red and orange trees. Even had bbq'd chestnuts and jacket potatoes the other evening which made a really nice change, was having mucho fun until politics got in the way. Benton is safely tucked up in the garage which is great, much nicer going out there to see to him than contending with wind, rain, snow to get to him in the greenhouse as in previous years. Attaching garages to houses was a great idea. The tumble dryer is being used and the microwave does a mean porridge oats in the morning Smiling

So onto the last few weeks of term. A shout due in the not too distant future, a dvd to be created for next Friday, a website to be done, a website to finish, some logger bugs to be sorted, another project to be completed, oh and the bulletin one to finish, concerts to rehearse for, new people to meet... life goes forward.

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