Under the Weather

We've been having some strange weather recently, bright sunshine, thick fog, warm days, freezing days, wind, dead calm. I guess it's winter weather but it all seems rather random. Below are some photo's taken over the past few days. Roll on a less random summer.

Half term is now over although it felt like one of the longest weeks holiday I've ever had. Perhaps because it's the first half term I've had in many many years when an assignment hasn't been due or work hasn't needed doing. It's been nice, I didn't get much done, but it was nice. Now I just need to get over the exhaustion that has hit because I haven't done anything! I think the last few months have finally caught up with me and my body's going to make me pay.

The DVD is now copied, finally, YAY! Smiling Now I just need to finish the thank you notes (print and assemble), get things parcelled out and then take a trip to the post office... I know, I know, I'm slow!

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