I'm Back
Submitted by BinksUK on
Again apologies for being so quiet but this time it was not so much through choice, through me own fault I've been on a self-imposed Internet ban.
As some will know, and many won't (or care to know I expect) we get our internet access through plusnet. They're not the best, they're certainly not the worst (sometimes they're quite good if you catch me on a good day). We have been on a package called PayAs You Go, which means we get 4 gig of bandwidth (or as much as we like between 12am and 8am) for a fixed price each month and then a £1 per gig over this.
Four gig is usually more than enough, we're not heavy downloaders. This all change the other week though when I discovered podcasts. I've never looked at them before, mostly because windows media player does't support them and I refuse to use iTunes (for no sensible reason other than I detest Apple... and again, that's for no sensible reason either - one of the main being, and the most female, I don't like white products... but I digress). Anyways, I discovered podcasts, computery podcasts that are actually quite interesting, so I downloaded a bunch of them and their back catalogues.
1.4 gig later and we have 1 gig to last us 2 and a half weeks. You'd be surprised how little that is when I'm on holiday! It put paid to downloading some of the programs I'd decided to investigate, stopped me from embarking on my great website update I'd been planning, prevented me uploading the many photos I've been taking and generally stopped all Internet activity for the past weekend as we didn't fancy paying an extra pound for a gig we didn't really need. I know, £1 not really breaking the bank but it's the principal of the matter. I also know I could get up at 12am and do stuff but, come on, I'm on holiday!
The problem is now solved, we have rolled over to a new month and in Plusnets terms "downgraded" our package to one that is £2 a month less and gives us 8 gig! So I'm back
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