Humph of a day
Submitted by BinksUK on
I\'ve had a lousy day.
I don\'t really know why I\'ve had a lousy day but I have.
Maybe it\'s because despite snowing for most of the day it\'s now all melted Maybe it\'s because it\'s really really cold (I really think they should invent warm snow). Maybe it\'s because I was too tired to get organised properly at work and too tired to stay behind and get on with stuff.
Maybe it\'s because I lost my pda at school... although after 30 minutes of frantic searching it was found again. Maybe it\'s because I\'ve got to go into work tomorrow to attend a meeting about the shout which really ought to have been started by now. Maybe it\'s because I\'ve been babysitting since the moment I stepped through the door... as sweet as he is, catching flying cheese is not my idea of a great time.
Maybe it\'s just other stuff.
Maybe I\'m just a grouch.
But it has felt like a truely lousy day and I can\'t say I\'m looking to tomorrow
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