
Well what a week, gadgets galore! Not only did my dictaphone arrive this week, and has already proven its worth by recording (really well) our tutorial yesterday, but the week also saw delivery of my new pda Smiling Super cool - and very sadly I\'m using it to write this! The wireless capabilities seem to make a big difference to a pda\'s usability, checking webpages and mail is not just cool but much quicker than waiting for a pc/laptop to boot up. The bigger screen size is also making a difference. The bluetooth keyboard is taking some getting use to though so apologies for any typos - I shall blame the equiment rather than the incompetence of its user!

Other than the above however a pretty wasted week as I battled once again with feeling absolutely rank Sad I\'m hoping this week will be more productive. I\'ve just completed the data input I\'d brought home this holiday so I\'m now free to get on with the Shout and to catch up on all of the coursework I should have been working on last week. Better get on with it I guess...

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