Big Coat Weather

Wow has another week past already?

I guess so, and in the space of that week the weather has suddenly remembered it's November and should be cold. Big coat weather, very nice... roll on the snow... Laughing out loud

Mostly been a week of bunged up noses and headaches, not overly productive and extremely frustrating. The contact mail stuff is getting there but much slower than I wanted it to. Little jobs I've been meaning to do are still on the list and this terms Shout run has started with avengence. Going to be a tough few weeks I think and that's without factoring music into the equation Sad I've missed rehearsals these past couple of weeks, mostly because I know my head can't take it but also because the fun has gone at the moment. Bring back Mrs H.

So onto another week, invigilation today zapped all energy, I'm rather hoping tomorrow will be more productive. Rose and Andy have gone on their holidays for the week so lots of peace and quiet. Hopefully prime time to get contact mail finished along with the report writer and a couple of the servers sorted out. Just need to find another nic...

Continuing the theme of learning something new, seven things I've learnt this week:

  1. The M$ site is perhaps the only site I've ever found to crash IE
  2. Finally figured out arrays in html form elements...
  3. ... and how to pass them through to php
  4. along the same theme, learnt how to pass javascript arrays back to php
  5. the joys of the explode function
  6. I really am a geek (was showing a friend some computery stuff and realised how much junk I actually know)
  7. electronic dogs are just as much fun as the real thing.

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