Nearly Summer

Half term has past and despite good company and peacefulness I'm still fighting bugs, roll on the summer I need some sun I think. The other day it didn't seem that far away, we had the door open and spent some time in the garden, warm. Hasn't lasted with mum emailing weather warnings about snow today, cool, literally.

Half term saw half a maths tma done... it's the first one so in two parts the other being due in a couple of weeks. JBuilder pro being installed, a step up from the foundation of last year but still just as big a pig to get on my machine. Who, in their right mind, accepts an installer that is known to crash on a p4 machine, it's not like they're scarce! The trick I discovered in the end was to uninstall anything that was remotely java related and then install builder bit by bit manually, great fun.

Other than that didn't get much done, still got a tonne of work to do for school and even more to do for OU. Will have to buckle down. Just feel too ill Sad

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