BinksUK's blog

Project Course

And so the project course has begun... making me go very quiet on here yet again. As I'm not overly sure how much of my work I can make "public" I've been doing a lot of stuff behind the scenes, posts have been made but not for your eyes!

Moodle - Teachers Name

Moodle seems to have an annoyingly laid back attitude to names, teachers and students alike are addressed by first and lastname to all. I know you can change this to just firstname but still no good to us. If I have any hope of selling this to our staff I needed to find away to mask Staff names so they just show, at most, their first initial and surname.

Moodle - NTLM error

Was getting the error:

Module "ntlm" is not readable - check permissions

Google had *nothing* but further digging seemed to point to a missing version.php file in the ntlm folder.

Solution: created an empty php file named version.php and placed it in the ntml folder. All seems well now. When I have more time I'll investigate properly what's going on.


Last Saturday, at an hour far to early for a weekend, we set out into the freezing, but sunny, wilderness in the hope of seeing a train. No I haven't turned into a spotter, I tagged along for the walk. The train was of the steam variety, had just been built and was on its way from Doncaster down to London via our very own station (and probably quite a few more). As we live near to the line we thought we'd have an amble up to experience something my mum has always raved about "you can't beat the smell and noise of the old trains".


A busy few weeks punctuated by much snow. The excitement at waking up to a complete white-over when I was sure there would be none took me back to my childhood and the three snow-days was the icing on the cake, brilliant Smiling It's all but gone now but there was much material gathered for this years Christmas cards while it stuck around.

Snowy Promise

Much excitement yesterday as the forecast snow looked like it was actually going to hit us for a change, and consequently even more disappointment when it didn't! Can't really complain as I did get a snow day out of it for the first time in a very long time but there wasn't enough to take more than a few shots, most of which were taken whilst messing about with settings to see what I could do. Below are two of the more decent, the rest, I fear, are headed for the recycle bin... really must buy a bigger hd to keep up with this new camera!


In a "got lots to do so might as well do something else" kind of way I set about the other day setting up Dad a new site. He's had a basic site for a while but never had the time or inclination to get it up and running properly. Hopefully the new site will inspire him to put up some more stuff.

A Drupal Solution

An interesting little bit of research ahead of me. With yet another dead Sharepoint installation (no I don't know what I do to it either!) I've started to explore other options for our Learning Platform. With the time ticking on this one the research is going to have to be pretty quick and something up and running fairly fast. The other day I hit upon the idea of using Drupal and I'm currently in the process of asking the question "why not?". It has many points going in its favour.


I really need to stop faffing around with photos and this site and get on with some work... but whilst I'm here, a few pictures of the Grandparents from Andrew's birthday gathering (also Grandad's birthday).



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