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An infuriating error

Due to many things the fault logger had sat around for a while without any work. Until this weekend that is, when it was dusted off, loaded up... and broken?

Most of it was working, it was obviously talking to the database ok, all the SELECT statements were working, but, when it came to inserting data (a rather useful function in a fault logger!) nothing was happening. No error. Nothing.

Much head scratching ensued, including by someone who actually knew what he was talking about. We tested everything we could think of, to no avail. It needed to be slept on.

The following morning, phpmyadmin was broken out (I hadn't had access the day before) and I tried inserting from there. Ah ha, an error:

#1264 - Out of range value adjusted for column 'dataid' at row 1

That's useful then, dataId is an auto_incrementing table, I was not trying to insert a value into it, I was simply leaving it blank so it could, uhm, auto_increment?!?

Google was broken out, sites were searched and a solution found, enjoy...

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