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That's Better

I've gone from a week of getting nothing done to a week of productivity. Much better.

The Fault Logger is ready to be packed up and shipped out for a proper major release, just one bug to sort and an invoice to write.

The Shout has been begun, and when I've looked into it properly we actually have a fair bit of stuff. It may not be ready for new intake but it should make a good end of term edition.

I now have a game plan for the school site so hopefully that can be sorted once and for all this holiday ready for september. ENews still has a few issues but they're mostly out of my hands at the moment.

Certificate lists are out, just got to wait for the staff deadline to come and go before I start chasing for them back so that's a good week to go on that one.

My assignment has been looked at. Yuck. Busy weekend ahead I fear Sad

It's even been a week of looking to the future. Plans have been made, plans that enter the realm of "yes, I can do that, and I want to". We shall see what the next few years will bring but it's looking good today Smiling

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