
Why is it when you\'re waiting for something it always seems to take absolutely ages? I\'m waiting for a letter to confirm I can order some stuff (don\'t ask). Up until now it was ok that it hadn\'t come because the particular \"thing\" wasn\'t in stock. However, now it is, there are 36 available, but I can\'t order because I don\'t have permission to yet Sad It is sometimes frustrating that the whole world doesn\'t revolve around me!

Things are back to normal this week, the weather has settled down, work isn\'t too hectic and I\'m trying to keep myself calm and organised (pah!). We got a fair bit of work done at the weekend although, as usual, I\'ve got so much more to do. I think I will stop behind tonight and have an \"OU\" evening. Last night I spent working through some more javascript... if anyone can explain to me how this drag and drop lark works I would be eternally grateful! I\'ve figured out caret positions in text boxes and adding text to the middle of a string, quite an achievement considering the headache I had yesterday.

Ooh, excitement on Sunday, I\'ve got my router Laughing out loud... little things! It\'s great and means I have a spare computer (at the moment) to play with. So play I have been doing. Yesterday I tried to set Debian up on it but, as it\'s an awkward compaq, the network card isn\'t recognised (which makes it about as useful as a brick!), so today I\'m going to attempt Suse if I get the chance.

I have three main tasks for this week:

  1. Get on with this report writer, including documentation.
  2. Get on with my tma, it\'s due in just over a week Beee
  3. Get this laptop backed up, it\'s off for a trip to pc world on Saturday I hope, keeps overheating Sad

Guess I\'d better get on with some of it!

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