Flannels, Cups and a Bird Bath

Don't ask.

Super busy busy week. It began with the recipe book which after a few minor panics and some late nights did eventually reach completion. What did we learn from this little escapade? Number 1. The word No really isn't that hard to say, I should try it sometime. Number 2. If you want something doing, do it yourself. Never again (she says until somebody asks).

Then we moved onto the assignment I should have been doing instead of mucking around with recipe books (I don't even like cooking). It was done, just, it was marked, it was ok. A few things need re-looking at, protocols, sockets, layers, but on the whole a job well done.

The end of the week saw the other assignment attempted, 4 weeks worth of work in a day, not so much fun. It's nearly done, minus some tweaking tomorrow and the tracking down of a printer (all these pc's and not a printer in sight). Pity this course isn't of the paperless variety Sad

So onto another week, which also looks to be busy busy. We've got a shout to do (which means start, do, finish) before Friday. Theatre on Wednesday. Meal out on Friday. Geek fest on Saturday. Family stuff on Sunday. Oh joy.

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