Two Down

So there we go then, exam over. Not nearly as bad as last year but still pretty certain I haven't done what I needed to to gain full marks. We shall see but I think it's looking like a lower degree classification Sad Maybe level 3 is a level too far.

Now onto the maths cma due Thursday, the final hurdle in an horendous few weeks.

They're Back

So one rescue mission, two independent trips to a garage, an overnight stay in Leeds hospital and a broken gear box later, the trio are back, never actually having made it to snotland. Do all families go through this kind of drama?

Some people

Well that's that then, you can no longer post comments to this site without me moderating them Sad Perhaps rather naively I trusted the great Internet community not to bother posting stupid stuff to such a little, obscure, unimportant site like my own. I was wrong, and so the actions of one stupid individual has ruined it for the rest.

Six Weeks Gets Shorter

Well there you go then, the holidays have come and gone and work begins again. I think perhaps I've just had my busiest holiday ever. We've packed, waited, moved and (almost, nearly, not at all) unpacked. We are now residing in our biiiig new house which is even more lovely than I remembered it from viewing Smiling Other than the move I have done very little this holiday.


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