Ecky Thump, Hefflelump

Did I ever tell you about my microwavable rabbit? I got it for my birthday last year and can now accept the trauma of watching it turn in the microwave as it's slowly nuked. It's like the modern day equivalent of a hot water bottle... unfortunately it only works when you're somewhere with a microwave. It's been a welcome addition these past couple of weeks, a bit of heat goes a long way to soothing aches and pains of which I've been getting many just lately. Yet another sign I've been doing too much, but do I listen? Stuff that, I've got stuff I want to do...

A New Year Has Come

and with it new germs Sad Granted this bought of illness is a little self-inflicted, I've been doing too much, simple as that. Still sucks though. I am being sensible for a change though, a couple of days off work and hopefully I will be back on my feet again. Just got to learn to slow down, it's no good having tonnes of work to do if I'm going to make myself so sick I can't do any of it.


I've not been too good at keeping this up to date just lately have I? I do apologise, although to be quite frank I doubt there has been much happening that would interest you.


Completely stuffed the exam up so that's a years worth of tma marks wasted Sad Now means I've got to do really well next year and the year after if I've any hope of a decent degree classification, not what I was hoping but I guess at least not everythings lost. It's like a'level english all over again. Sad sucks.


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