Another Month Bites The Dust

Yes the server is sloooooow, no I don't know why, yes I am trying to fix it. The solution comes in the form of a revamped zeus and suse 9.1. No I didn't know when I installed it that it came with nowt but at the time I was so pleased that I'd actually managed to get one of the 4 downloaded distros onto the machine with its dodgy cdrom that I didn't really care. Now we just need to wait for the bandwidth limit to roll over and I can continue downloading all of the stuff needed to get it up and running into what will hopefully resemble a webserver, allbeit at greatly under-powered one. Yay for linux dependencies (yes, that is sarcasm).

Are you sat down? in other news this month, I am currently ahead with my OU course! I don't think it's ever been known before and I am savouring the moment whilst trying to psych myself up to looking at the tma.

Other than that, as usual, life has been pretty quiet. The school website is still pending approval (don't ask), the logger has undergone some bug fixing and is currently under review for a good overhaul. I've not been to band all term although I have strangled the cow a few times over the past few weeks (that reminds me, new reeds need to go on the list). We're currently both on holiday, me on a nice long easter break for a change which was very much required after the pig of a term we've had. No shout, there just wasn't time with all the booster stuff that's been put in place this term. The poor year 9s don't know what's hit them and year 11...

The term also saw goodbye to another friend, one who I was learning tonnes from Sad Which also means next term is going to be horrid I can feel it in my bones, what is it with summer terms and me being dropped in it? Ugh, it's also getting around to that certificate time of year again Beee

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