
(If you don't have a Windows Mobile phone there is probably little point you reading beyond this point!)

"Fantastic app that just, well, works. Hard to believe how much we get in the free version, good on Panoramic Software for offering it in this form but I wouldn't say no to a free upgrade :-)"

As a general rule of thumb I don't win stuff. In fairness I don't enter much to win stuff. So you can imagine my surprise on Friday when I received an email from a Facebook group I had joined (liked? become a fan of? what terminology are they using these days?) informing me that I'd won a copy of some phone software. The application in question was MoTweets a twitter client I've been using on my phone for a few weeks (it does much more than peep).

Earlier in the week the company tweeted that they had launched a new fb group and if we joined and posted to the forum we could be in with a chance of winning a free copy of the software. Usually I would shrug off something like this but I've actually been quite impressed with the free version. It is basically the full version with a few adverts dotted about. You can't really argue with that can you? What's more if you want to get rid of the adverts (does anyone notice ads anymore?) the full version will only set you back $4 (yes I realise this diminishes my win somewhat!). In a world where tat costs mucho it's quite refreshing to find something useful reasonably priced and developed by a company who are actually thinking about their user base. I'm also impressed by a company who are continuing to develop for Winmo 6.5 which, I strongly believe, is a pretty solid OS!

I definitely recommend you check out MoTweets if you have a winmo phone and perhaps a browse around if you fancy some quality applications Smiling


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