Is that bright thing the sun?

Despite a rather harsh fitting lady we completed the first fitting for my dress on Saturday, a rather dull experience of which there are at least another two to go Sad We then proceeded to put rose through the same dress buying experience I had had to endure the other month which is rather more fun when it's not happening to yourself Smiling We have some possibilities but nothing purchased yet.

On the whole a great day had by all despite the very long detours to actually reach Lincoln and the interesting evening meal. The night was rounded off by another detour home via a more scenic route dad had discovered. All would have been well had we not missed the turning, but the fits of laughter as we (slowly) followed a hare down the road, refusing to let us past for a good long while - yes, we were too soft just to run it down. And then rose managing to pass us despite this 'quicker' router and her having stopped for a bit to change from contacts to glasses, dad's excuse, we'd had to make two pit stops to track down an illusive newspaper for mum, all good racers fall down at the pit stops apparently. I don't think I've laughed as much as I did on saturday in years, it was good Smiling

Suffering for the fun now though, yesterday was another grumpy in pain right off and today doesn't feel a great deal better. Rather hoping the sun makes another appearance as I've decided to head into work and get some more of that ticked off of the list. Sun dances please everybody.

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