Welsh Adventures

So we're back, we've made it, we got to Wales and back without getting lost Smiling A very long drive on Sunday, my birthday, saw us get to Chester in one piece although the weather didn't follow us there. 71 miles , the furthest I've ever driven and I only nearly killed us once... in my defence the car came out of nowhere and had no intention of stopping to see if there was anybody already on the roundabout, super emergency stop on my part Smiling Many more miles driven by Dan.

We had adventures in a hugemungous shopping village, many shoes bought (yay, I've finally got some boots for work Laughing out loud). Nearly made it to the beach (it was too cold to venture down) and saw a waterfall at the bottom of Mr H's garden (very lucky boy Smiling). Did mucho driving around taking in the sights and sounds of Wales. All was topped off by a fantastic couple of days with friends enjoying the marriage of Mr H and Miss Jones. The only down side was the need to come back so soon to enter the world of work again Sad Next time we must stay for longer so we can chill and enjoy the beauty of the place.

And now it's back to work, a rather dull afternoon today printing student id cards (someone has to do it). Assignments to do, logger work with a deadline looming, several sites to juggle and many other projects to get back to. Ho hum, back to reality...

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