68 Tomatoes Sitting on a Shelf...

So, despite a rather disappointing year tomato wise we do have a few sitting on the windowsill waiting to go red and some on the pot that didn't get poorly slowly going orange. Not sure if any of the windowsill ones will actually turn into anything edible but at least we have some colour going on there at the moment Smiling

Back to work we go, busy busy so far in a mostly interesting way. A couple of animations started which makes a change from the usual start of term and results to analyse Smiling

My assignment is finally written and sent although, like most others on my course it appears, I am not convinced I have answered it at all right Sad Pity this one counts for so much degree wise, not really fancying having to take yet another course just to get my marks up. Now it's downhill to our exam on October 19th. For once I'm actually looking forward to this as it means it will be all over this year.

Now it's on to wedding type stuff. We're off to the hotel in a bit to finalise some stuff, going to Lincoln next week to sort out bridesmaid dress and waistcoats for the blokes and inbetween I will be embarking on getting the invites done this week.

Oh, and for some insane reason we joined a gym on Friday. I can now go swimming whenever I like (as long as it's in the designated hours!) although I believe my role is purely motivational when it comes to the actually working out bit (not a hope that my body will agree with anything too strenuous!).

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