Well there we go then

I complain when people don't update their blogs and then look at me, another huge gap since the last entry. In my defence though I have been a tad on the busy side! We did it anyway, nuptuals (sp??) were said on Saturday and we are now man and wife, and it's great Laughing out loud We're now spending a quiet few days before we get to head back to work. And by quiet I mean, we've done Christmas, we've seen relatives, we've travelled too and from Sleafod, been out on several late nights and generally done everything but chill out... has been fun though Smiling I've already ticked a few things off of my list for a year of fun.

Now it's onto a new list of jobs to do, our photographers website requires my attention now I have the time; thank you notes need making, writing and sending; the favours dvd needs creating and sending out (a surprising success, we're pleased Smiling) and several other little bits and pieces need attention.

Today we're having a tidy up, there are currently presents everywhere and that's on top of the dust I didn't get around to shifting last week... listen to me, do I sound like a wife? Must stop that!!! We also want to tackle the breadmaker and I'm intrigued by the digital photoframe, major gadget time Laughing out loud

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