
I had to write (I do not know why) to tell you how lovely the house smells right now Smiling For the first time last night we set up the breadmaker on the timer so that it would bake a loaf ready for us this morning. Fantastic Smiling It smells wonderful and is definitely a cool way to wake up (in the dark still - aren't the days supposed to be getting lighter?). Now all we need to do is to buy some (none-out of date) yeast so that (hopefully) the bread is a little less brick like and we'll be away Smiling

In work news, we've been playing with apache after they all got sick of my complaining about IIS. It's now a race against time to proove that it can do just as much as the evil webserver - i.e. single sign on which is currently causing more problems than I'll admit it's worth. My AJAX code works well on it though which is a good start, no more random permissions errors. I've been writing some pretty cool code just lately, suppose I really should apply it to the logger which is sitting badly neglected on my laptop which will require charging before I can get onto it (don't ask).

Andy pandy's birthday at the weekend, 5 years old, where has the time gone?

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