Like Riding a Bike

I was quite impressed with myself on Sunday. After mucho family politics and tantrums we all bundled off to the ice-rink to celebrate Andrew's birthday. Much fun, and I could still skate! I did have that niggling doubt in my mind that after, wow, more than 10 years I would have forgotten how and it would become a very painful experience. I'm a little achey but managed to stay on my feet, even when dragging a five year old around (he's getting super heavy!). Good fun, will have to do that again Smiling

I'm also impressed that I've succeeded in getting apache up and running with single-sign-on, fairly straight forward when you know how, perhaps one of these days I will write it down so I can remember next time I'm scratching my head staring at the conf file. I've now got tonnes of work to do, I envisage many lines of code being written over the next few weeks.

Also been busy getting the wedding dvd done. Who's idea was that little gem?!? So you take the stuff off of the camcorder, easy, drag and drop. Import into Nero (5ish minutes). Clip the bit you want. Export clip (5-10 minutes). Import into Media Encoder. Restart after crash. Import again. Encode (10-15 minutes). Load up Movie Maker (up to 20 minutes depending on size of project). Import video (10 minutes). Start again when it crashes. Do a bit of tweaking. Restart after crash. Do the tweaking again and hit save quick. Start on next clip. It goes on...

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