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It seems wrong to be counting down to the holidays when the term has only really just begun, but yay, 1 week 4 days Smiling I am ready for a holiday I think, a short break from having to do stuff (although if this dvd doesn't get finished soon...). I am swamped right now it seems. Not overly a bad thing, some of it is paid work but I could however do without it just for a bit.

I might have mentioned (more than once or twice) that I'm writing some pretty cool stuff at work at the moment. The best thing about it appears to be that it's getting finished. It's very rare I can write something and have the time to complete it, the logger was perhaps the first and last up until now. We now have a rather cool IT portal sitting on our homepage. It contains links out to the various other projects I've done and their admin interfaces. The staff and student blogs; staff directory (with search function that now works); the logger; temporary account management; switch management; restricted students (the ones we've booted off of the internet etc). It's all good stuff and I'm proud Smiling The newest addition is a little notice board that sits up in the top right hand corner and tells us when things need attention, any new or pending logger requests, accounts needing reset and any little messages we wish to post to each other (up until yesterday signed off with a kiss Smiling).

Today however it is back to reality, I need to get my head out of php mode and back into flash. People want stuff up on the screens, website articles written and other bits and bobs. Roll on tomorrow.

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