
Every now and again you find a gem and , as I sit typing this on my phone, today I found one!

For a while now I've been trying to find a simple blogging application to carry around with me in my pocket. It seems there are plenty out there, but none that meet my requirement of working with Drupal. However, last night as I sat reading my rss reader before bed (which is becoming a worrying part of my routine, along with a lovely cup of hot choc... getting old...) I came across an article. The author has been working on a series which shows how you can do almost everything with a smart phone (personally I'm still waiting for a "Make a cup of tea" cab). One of his last hurdles was blogging to which one of his readers pointed to: Diarist 2.1. He goes on to review the application favourably and built enough hype to grab my interest.

Now I've been down this route before so I wasn't anticipating success. So you can imagine my surprise when I installed it this morning and it just worked! Granted I had to give it the blog url and credentials (it's not yet psychic) but it happily went and found out the api by itiself. A few test posts and I appear to be up and running Smiling

So what does this mean? Well hopefully it will increase the amount I post on here, I've been very lapse just lately. Depending on your point of view this could be a good or bad thing! Along with swype or my bt keyboard I could become a blogging machine... Now I just need to find something interesting to post about... Beee

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