
Time has escaped me yet again, was it really last month when I last posted? It's been a busy few weeks but not in the kind of way that's anywhere interesting enough to write about.

I now have an appointment to get rid of my (very painful) wisdom teeth, all four meet their fate on the 17th April. Not something I'm overly looking forward to, the great adventure of general anaesthetic will be a new one, but it will be good in the long run, I've had enough of them now.

The job appeals process is now fully underway. Another meeting this afternoon to finish off my justification document and then it's all back in the hands of pcc. Seems like a lot of hassle just because they don't understand what I do but fingers crossed it will lead to a slight rise in pay rather than the cut that is threatened Sad It's difficult justifying and defining what you do in a job of this kind. I pretty much do a bit of everything. It also feels very big headed to say "actually you should be paying me more, this stuff is hard". At the end of the day I love my job, I look forward to going in everyday and the stuff I'm doing has the reward of actually being useful to people. The job also suits my circumstances, it's just around the corner (well left a bit, straight down and swing a right), they let me work the hours I want and they understand when I'm pathetic and can't go in. Unfortunately though, if I don't fight for this now, they will be stuck when I need to leave, there aren't many mugs around like me who would work for what the council offer Sad

In gardening news, the tomatoes are up, as are some of the onions, the chives, basil and oregano. The peppers are being a little more illusive. Some of the jalepenos are up but the regular peppers are playing hide and seek. The lesson learnt this year? Don't sew seeds in gale force winds, it's a) freezing and b) impossible to keep the seeds in the pots before covering them over. Newspaper on the kitchen floor prooved a much more effective environment Smiling With the insane weather we're having right now I have no idea when they will all be planted out, thank goodness for large windowsills Smiling Benton is also itching to get out into his outside hutch, the warbling from radio 2 is no longer prooving effective entertainment as shown by his kamikaze attitude the night before last. Luckily for me he was just as stunned at hitting the floor as I was and didn't try to leg it before he was tucked back up in his hutch. A flying furball at 10 o/c at night is more than enough to get the heart pounding!

So now we break up for easter. Just this afternoon to go and I'm free for nearly 3 weeks Smiling A very much needed break and one in which I hope I will get a little more organised. In DVD news, they are now sat downstairs waiting to be posted, half are addressed and the other half require signing off and stuffing in envelopes. I'm getting there Smiling

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