Everybody Shout

I\'ve made a start on the Shout easter website, that must be a good thing right? The way I figure it it will take about 15 hours per site... at least that\'s what it has been taking in the past. It\'s not the text that takes the time, that\'s easy copy and paste stuff. It\'s pictures that complicate matters. The online version of the shout needs to look desktop-publishy to reflect its hard-copy counterpart. Easy in theory but html isn\'t as flexible as that and making things look good whilst keeping things simple is a real challenge. I like a challenge Smiling

Anyway, back to what I was saying. I figure it will take about 15 hours per site. Pushing things as I like to do I\'m going to allocate 2 days per site. However, this week being this week I only really have three ish days; today, tomorrow, a little bit of time on wednesday (can\'t afford to do too much cos I\'m supposed to be driving wednesday evening), doubt they\'ll let me do any on thursday and then some of Friday. Now the easter site is half way there as I did some of it last term. So that\'s today for the easter site, tuesday, what ever time I can afford wednesday and friday for the summer site. That leaves next week to get on with the macro, ready for going back to work on wednesday. Possible? We shall see...

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