
Well there we go then, after eight (very long) years of study I am now the owner of a degree Smiling For those to who it matters, to be precise I now have a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information Technology and Computer Upper Second-class (2.1).

After much berating myself for not working harder and getting the 1st a further 30 points at pass 1 would have given me I have been reminded of all I have actually achieved over the past decade. From looking after newborns, to moving house, to changing jobs, to starting my own business, to organising and taking part in that whole marriage thing it all amounts to quite a bit, so I guess there’s room in there to be a little bit proud (until I get around to taking the further 30 points that is Smiling).

So what does a degree change? Absolutely nothing! I still have a fabulous job I don’t fancy changing any time soon - I’m just qualified on paper to do it now Smiling

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