I love my job

after spending two days back at work I\'ve been given today off Laughing out loud fantastic. A chance to catch up on some stuff I think. I have a load of ou stuff to do so I think that will be the main task of the day. Will also do some work on the macro which I sat and did some proper planning on last night... it doesn\'t look quite so daunting now. A lovely sunny day again so perhaps some reading can be done lazing on the hammock, might as well make the most of it whilst I can. Might also bake the crumble I\'ve been threatening all week, should look up a recipe really, would be a start.

Whilst planning the macro last night I also doodled with some new website designs (you might have noticed I\'ve tweaked the log page again). Starting to get an idea of how I want to move along with it. It needs a big spring clean I think and a totally new look. Just not sure how yet. We shall see.

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