Forget english gobbledegook is much more fun

I am currently sat watching andrew. He is stood in front of the tv, one of rose\'s bobbles in his hair flinstone\'s style, watching the telly-tubby\'s. Essential viewing according to another young man I know Eye-wink

You don\'t realise until you have a toddler about (well maybe you do, but I didn\'t!) the amount of rubbish you can actually speak. Words such as \"Noo noo\" and \"Boobahs\" have entered into everyday conversation, usually met with much excitement. We now have \"choo choo\'s\" and \"tractor\" which although may seem an obvious word now means \'car\'. Animals are whole different species of word. Animals are required to be followed with a sound. For example, \"doggie\" (because every dog andrew has met has been panting!) \"sheep\" , \"cow\" , you get the picture. It makes conversations very long winded but definitely a lot of fun, the giggles make it worth it.

We now have a few sentences but these are usually said under the breath and as quick as possible. Everybody in this house now frequently ends a searching session (be it lost keys or a file on the computer) with \"there-it-is\" said in a high pitched run together way. You don\'t even realise you are doing it until you see the funny looks from others. If any of us are ever asked to describe andrew we just say \"et\". \"Et\" sums andrew up, \"et\" has a special meaning in this household, it\'s an in-joke that I don\'t think any of us understand as much as andrew does. \"Et\" is officially andrew\'s word Smiling

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