The girl can cook

A rather busy couple of days punctuated by me actually doing some cooking! What\'s more, the results were edible, I\'m impressed Smiling

Yesterday seemed to last forever and was very tiring. A long meeting in the afternoon to go over procedures for CATS, tests the years sevens will be doing next week. It\'s quite a lengthy process as they have never done tests like this before, in a brand new school, in a large hall with a load of invigilators breathing down their necks. It sounds a horrible experience so we\'re under strict instructions to be nice and supportive whilst maintaining the standards we will expect from these poor kids throughout their examining life at KSCS.

The evening was spent working on a couple of macros, one to check two files for matching names and then the emailing macro is slowly coming together. We also took half an hour to go blackberrying which was fun, andrew was insistant that he wanted to play football with the teams playing at the other end of the field so the time was spent chasing him and bringing him back whilst trying to find decent berries.

Today should be interesting, hopefully work will go quickly leaving way for a good evening and weekend.

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