Deadlines loom

It\'s going to be a month of deadlines now Sad Project deadline tomorrow, newsletter this week, tma next week, new intake in a couple of weeks, exam just before half term. So little to do so much time to do it in, no scrap that, reverse it (see I do pay attention... even to dire movies Smiling)

Project hasn\'t gone too badly, better than expected even and it feels like I can at least complete question 1. Question 2 doesn\'t look too daunting, just need some thinking time, and question 3 just requires me to do some reading so on the whole hopefully manageable.

The newsletter will hopefully go without hitch this time but we\'re currently having server issues so don\'t hold your breath. In fact it seems to be something in the air as the gateway is also going through issues at the moment. I really should get around to formatting it but that\'s looking like a half-term job now. Moving into the realms of rsync at the moment in a hope that it will solve my laptop syncing issues. Think I\'m either being incredibly dumb at the moment or majorly missing the point though...

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