and they're like that now!

Needless to say the CATS were, uhm, interesting yesterday. It seems this years year sevens may be... fun?!? Lets be honest here, they\'re hard work and they haven\'t been here two weeks yet! When did kids start to grow up so fast? Back in my day (I feel I can say things like that now I\'m 23 Smiling) year sevens were timid little things, scared of being in this huge new place and certainly not about to answer back to someone currently testing them. Nope, we would have feinted at the very idea of getting instructions wrong, we would have sat there listening careful, hardly daring to breath in case we missed something. We wouldn\'t have been skipping ahead because we had decided we were better than the teacher. We wouldn\'t have sat there throwing rubbers at the wall because it was much more fun. We wouldn\'t have refused to do things because we didn\'t feel like it. Would we?

This week is beginning to look like fun all around. Andy has a bad cold so anyone wearing black this week is doomed! Hopefully it will be a cold that will pass me by for a change as I really don\'t have time for one just now. The tma is slowly coming together but still much work to do. Another night staying behind tonight will hopefully put a good dent in it. Tomorrow night will no doubt be taken up by the newsletter mailing and if things go as they usually do, so will Friday.

Oh, I finally got the point with rsync, at least I think I have. When in doubt, read the instructions, follow the instructions, throw the instructions away because they are WRONG! Alls working now. Now I just need to figure out why it is I wanted it working in the first place Smiling

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