and the moral of the story...

always use up to date software if you want it to work first time. After much mucking about with the rsync stuff, including leaving it over night to do stuff and then coming back to a load of errors it finally dawned that it wasn\'t a very up to date version. A quick download later and everything is working perfectly. Infact, as we speak, it\'s currently updating the vaio from the redhat box. Cool huh. I\'ve now got lots of little projects I can implement to get the networking running properly, just got to persuade father that we need another box Smiling

The tma is also ticking along now, a bit of reading to do and then hopefully it\'s done. First part of the emailing achieved tonight, wasn\'t straight forward, it never is, but the newsletter is ready to go out tomorrow evening. One day this stuff will be a click of a button thing rather than all of this rubbish.

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