
Why are Fridays always so misleading. You spend all week waiting for Friday to come, the weekend to begin etc etc and then it arrives. With it comes a pile of work which could quite easily fill the whole week and the one to come. Problems that can\'t be solved til Monday but needed solutions last week. Issues which will ride and you can do nothing about. The prospect of a busy weekend working through some of them and an even busier week of fixing ahead. I think we should ban Fridays. They suck.

You may have gathered that I haven\'t had the greatest of days. Whilst the newsletter itself was ready to go yesterday the emailing today has proved extremely problamatic. We have had major issues with some of the software which couldn\'t be fixed within the limit we had. As it stands we\'ve had to hack together a solution which is only merely adequate and which will take a while to work through next week to sort out the reprecusions. I was there til 6:30 tonight, mostly banging my head against a brick wall, waiting for the computers to co-operate. Fridays should be banned.

A tutorial tomorrow looms, I have done a little work but I\'m not sure my head will be in gear enough to get through a whole 2 hours intensive work. Saturdays should be banned to.

Sunday will be spent finishing the tma, tidying my disaster of a room, starting some revision and trying to figure out why the email macro is not doing what it says on the tin. Sundays too, should be banned.

And then we get back to Monday...

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