the Sims are back

The Sims pc is back. In a good way this time however. It is now mine. For all of you that have been following the saga with the Sims pc this may not seem like a good thing, it didn\'t to me to start with, but a few brainwaves last night and it looks like we\'ve found my second linux pc Smiling I now have a plan. The computer fair today provided a new hub (it\'s amazing how quickly a 5 port switch has filled), some network cables (seeing as ours keeps breaking) and a new network card. I\'m now (well, after I\'ve done my room) going to attempt to install that suse whatsit I downloaded the other month in a hope that the Sims pc will cope with it. It should shouldn\'t it? The Sims pc will then become my webserver as it has a smaller drive than the one I\'m using at the moment which will hopefully encourage me to keep it tidy. Penguin (my red hat box) will then be wiped and reinstalled, either with Red hat or Suse or maybe something different depending how I get on with stuff. I will then have the backup machine I need. I think I\'ve now got rsync sussed although it took a while to work out. XP permissions have been causing me some issues but sorted now I hope. I suppose I should write down all the stuff I\'ve learnt sometime, seeing as I\'m so prone to forgetting.

The weekend appears to be going slightly better than predicted. The tutorial was bearable yesterday morning leaving me with a sense that the exam won\'t be too bad. I survived the fair in the afternoon, missed haze as I expected I would but didn\'t get too upset for a change. Today has been taken up by the computer fair and errands, this afternoon must be spent getting on with my room amongst oter things. Tis a very quiet Sunday, can\'t last...

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