Exhausted on a monday... not a great start

I\'m shattered. Can\'t really say I\'ve done much so there\'s no reason, I\'m just worn out. Most frustrating. Got lots I want to do. Much I need to do. Sucks.

Spent the weekend trying to figure out how to get linux to boot from my usb flash key. No particular reason. Just because I could. Didn\'t manage it in the end though. Not really sure why but have no more time I can dedicate to it right now so it will have to wait for a while. Could just be a dodgy key, it can be a little tempermental at times. Just fancied the idea of being able to carry around something called Puppy linux though. Seemed cool. I\'ll sort it some other time.

The rest of the weekend was spent fixing a macro, entertaining andy and being a grouch. I\'m a good grouch when I\'m shattered Sad

Reserved a place for next years course this evening, quite looking forward to it, much more than the exam of this years which is looming in a few weeks. This week will require mucho revision. Fun stuff.

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