niggly problems and a few solutions

Now that revision is underway this week seems to be the week for solving niggly problems. I had an issue with this laptop for a week or so now. Nothing major but it\'s bugged me. The icons in the taskbar haven\'t been showing properly. Today was the day to fix it. A quick google and it seems I\'m not alone in this problem. Windows has a bug? Never! Amongst the many explainations of how to fix the issue, log off, log back on, kill explorer.exe, restart explorer.exe, everytime you reboot your machine... stuff that. A little searching later and I discovered this site I haven\'t had a chance to go through it all yet but managed to find a couple of fixes for my problem and it looks like there might be a few more for other things I\'ve just learnt to put up with. Cool.

Another niggly problem. I\'ve been mucking around with my webserver, afterall it was put up to play around with. Only now I think I\'ve broken something. Some more playing around will hopefully sort the issue but at the moment that too is bugging me. Did discover something new though, typing info at the bash prompt. Kept me quiet for a little bit reading through all the possibilities Smiling

Niggly problem number 3. Did you know that sending money to Germany is not as simple as just going into the bank and transferring it? Oh no no no. To transfer money to Germany you are required to fill in an 8 page form, pay

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