life moves on

I wrote a lovely long entry for you the other day, full of wit and worldly insight (you believe that you\'ll believe anything!) and then I pressed the wrong button (or nudge the tracking pad, not sure which) and it was all gone. Couldn\'t be bothered to write it again hence my silence. But I\'m back now, I have forgotten all I had said and all I wanted to say so we shall have to begin with a clean slate.

It\'s been a mixed up week. Finally got over being ill in order to struggle through thursday and friday at work. Was met by a big newsletter mailing on Thursday which kept me there until 6 Sad We were met with the usual problems which still can\'t be resolved. Thought we\'d solved one of them with cunning and inteligence but, no, it wasn\'t to be, back to square one.

Whilst on my sick bed I spent a quiet moment looking at live cds, part of my on-going play time with linux. I\'m not sure why I was looking at live cds, I think perhaps they seem an easier option just at the moment, especially as I\'m still short some network cables and my hub. We shall see how far I will go with them before I get bored. I was thinking it might be a nice idea to be able to carry my own webserver/php/sql thingy around with me, if that\'s possible. Maybe a challenge too far for the novice but we shall see.

Today I\'ve been playing again with php and sql, think I\'m starting to get somewhere with it although I\'m not entirely sure my code is sound and I know it\'s not good enough to make live yet. Just dabbling at the moment though as coursework and revision is much more important... that\'s moving along slowly as well.

Other than that not a lot else to tell you, oh other than apologies if this page is down at any time, I\'ve been playing and I\'m not sure I\'ve quite fixed it yet!

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