Count down to thursday

Thursday is now very much in a looming position. However so is half-term and I\'m looking forward to that so it\'s not all doom and gloom Smiling. I\'m hoping the week will run fairly easily but you know it won\'t. An emailing tonight or tomorrow (hopefully not wednesday) will be intermingled with mucho revision I think. Friday will be a major relief and chill out day Smiling

The weekend went fairly smoothly. Yesterday was survivable it not very hectic. Surprisingly 9 people did fit around the table but it was followed by and interesting game of pass the food around as there was no place for food to sit, anybody seen that bisto advert? It was like that.

It now looks like my camera will have to go back, it wasn\'t me being an amateur, it really isn\'t focussing properly. Very disappointing Sad Hopefully it will all be sorted by christmas, I would like to get some photo\'s this year.

Anyways I\'d best get on, Monday so early start at work (yes I know, lunch can hardly be described as early but this is me!). Quite looking forward to band tonight, need to let off some steam.

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