Two Weeks

A reasonably uneventful weekend but a long one. Yesterday was a nice chilling out type day spent lazing around, watching films and eating. Fun stuff.

Today has been spent babysitting little Andrew who, whilst being a charmer most of the time, has most definitely got an evil streak, he gets that glint of devilment in his eye and before you know it there is bannana smeared into the chair and teddy bear crisps all over the floor and we won\'t even mention where the sausage went! The day was spent clearing up repeatedly after andrew and avoiding dad whilst he ripped out the kitchen why today? why? It looks ok at the moment (half the tiles up and reasobably tidy) but earlier, whilst trying to get tea ready under an inch of pink dust I wasn\'t thinking pleasant thoughts.

Needless to say I survived, just, now to the week ahead which consists of many rehearsals, a concert, the usual last week of term stuff and NO CAR!!!!! Now I know it\'s only a short walk to work, and really I shouldn\'t be using my car all the time anyway, but with an alto-sax a bass recorder (look them up, they\'re big) and a laptop complete with all the music etc I need to take I\'m not looking forward to what will feel like a hike this week Sad

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