
Well after checking the page three times I am pleased to announce I\'ve passes M2O6 Laughing out loud What\'s more, after I was convinced I had failed, I\'ve come out of it with 93% in both parts, an undeserved distinction (I really should have devoted more time to it this year to warrent a result like that :-/). Very cool however and a good setting for a fantastic Christmas. Just wish I hadn\'t had the thought to text Haze, she was always my first port of call on exam results. Missed.

Tonight is the night of the concert... so I\'m not entirely sure why I\'m sat chilling on the settee, I\'m sure I have mucho stuff I should be doing. Dress rehearsals went reasonably well this afternoon so hopefully a good concert, if I can only manage to keep awake throughout. Really worn out today, after working all morning and juggling rehearsals all afternoon I could really do with an early night, not a concert! Should be fun though and perhaps afterwards it will begin to feel like Christmas, we\'re breaking up too early for the atmosphere to get going this year.

Tomorrow will be spent mailing out a newsletter that I was told wasn\'t happening this term, hopefully a smooth run this time. Might even get to use macro v.5! Bugs and all Smiling Friday is another early morning but as a consequence an early break for home and the beginning of the hols... first thing this holiday? Sleep.

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